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Mount Anthony Union High School
Class of 1980

*** Reunion 2005 ***

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Reunion Schedule

Reunion 2000

Class Directory

Class Officers

Committee Mailings

Missing Classmates

And now, in no particular order -

                            JK_46.jpg (15222 bytes)

               SM_01.jpg (18944 bytes)
           Amy (Pratt) Hoyt, Val (Leard) Clarke, Mary (Brochu) Canavan, Sandy Mattison

   DT_07.jpg (18517 bytes)        DT_04.jpg (15213 bytes)           
                        Doug Stephenson                                                                       Dan Marrs

JK_02.jpg (12351 bytes)        DT_06.jpg (22772 bytes)
       Sharon Shea Keneally(MAUHS Principal)                                       Doug Stephenson

     DT_08.jpg (20088 bytes)       DT_09.jpg (20857 bytes)
           Doug Stephenson, Mike Harrington                                Doug Stephenson, Mike Harrington  

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                           Greg Stratton                                              Steve Bennett, Doug Stephenson, Jim Carroll

SM_03.jpg (17808 bytes)    DT_05.jpg (22885 bytes)
         Jason Longo, Doug Stephenson                                           Mr. & Mrs. Alex Shiao  

DT_11.jpg (20661 bytes)    DT_15.jpg (24708 bytes)
                       Rick Pemborke, Dan Marrs                                  Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Waldrop, Mr. & Mrs. Mike Harrington

SM_02.jpg (20470 bytes)     JK_15.jpg (18631 bytes)          

          JK_16.jpg (21897 bytes)       JK_07.jpg (18817 bytes)
                                                                                                  Sandy Mattison, Wayne Tift, Kathy (Canavan) Tift

JK_08.jpg (27769 bytes)     JK_09.jpg (14796 bytes) 
            John and Sharon (Bliss) Harrington,                                                Jim Carroll
         Mary (Brochu) Canavan, Tim Canavan

JK_11.jpg (23704 bytes)     JK_12.jpg (21266 bytes)
                Paula (Deconick) Bartlet & daughter                                        Mr & Mrs. Curtis Wilson

     JK_32.jpg (27833 bytes)     JK_35.jpg (19861 bytes)
                Val(Leard) Clarke, Amy(Pratt) Hoyt,                                                   Paul Shena
                        Mary (Brochu) Canavan

   JK_13.jpg (17651 bytes)     JK_19.jpg (25886 bytes) 
                   Doug and Paula Stephenson                             Doug and Paula Stephenson, Dave Tilgner

DT_03.jpg (27254 bytes)    JK_23.jpg (17316 bytes)  
        Jason Longo, Lucy Gardner, Marybeth Longo                           Wendy (Burdick) and Rick Pembroke

  JK_24.jpg (25799 bytes)    JK_42.jpg (18272 bytes)
                   Paul Dicranean, Ed Bourne                                    Paul Dicranean, John Winchester

 JK_25.jpg (18152 bytes)       JK_44.jpg (21576 bytes)
                   Scott Mather & Date                                                         Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kennedy

JK_26.jpg (17676 bytes)    JK_27.jpg (20832 bytes)  
             Lisa (Bouplon)  & Eddie Gilbert                                           Mr. & Mrs. Steve Martin      

    JK_34.jpg (21265 bytes)     JK_36.jpg (25565 bytes)
           Michelle (Desmeules)Lemieux & husband            Val (Leard) Clark, Helene Beaudoin, Lisa (Beaudoin)
                   Paula (Bisson) Zoito & husband                                          Shea, Michelle McShane        

JK_40.jpg (19030 bytes)     JK_41.jpg (20734 bytes)
                  Jeff and Lisa (Jelley) Cushman                                  Terry Sampsell, Gary Parmenter

                                              - More -

                                                                           Mount Anthony Union High School
                                                                                            Class of 1980

                                                  Comments or ideas?  Send email to